Columbia filed for protection under Chapter 11 in July 1991 but was able to reorganize successfully.
He successfully reorganized most of the state government in an attempt to make the government bureaus non-partisan.
The regiment could not be completely and successfully reorganized.
We're committed to working with American Airlines, their workers, retirees and other parties, so the company can successfully reorganize while also preserving its pension plans.
Their firm's first client was Timex, which they reorganized successfully.
For that to happen, American will have to prove it can't successfully reorganize if the pensions continue.
We showed Visteon they could reorganize successfully without terminating their employees' plans.
This is integral to our successfully reorganizing the business.
The Shah's regime killed many of the leaders, but the group, now called the organization, successfully reorganized.
He succeeded in successfully reorganizing the force and practically stamping out bushranging.