The musical was successfully revived in 1952 and later, most recently for a 2008-2009 run on Broadway.
But for every city or company that has successfully revived its ferry services, dozens of others have failed.
Then came the board meeting, and the revelation that the astronaut had been successfully revived.
In contrast, patients have been successfully revived after a significant period of so-called "clinical death."
If Miles had been successfully revived by friendly hands, the first thing he would do would be to report in.
These frozen semicorpses didn't have much chance of being successfully revived.
But that idea appears dead politically, and even if it were successfully revived, the natural system still would not recover its original size.
It was well received and was successfully revived for many seasons by the company until 1978.
This show enjoyed an enduring popularity and West would successfully revive it many times throughout the course of her career.
Until frozen bodies are revived successfully, most courts will call it murder.