The reduced party finally sailed successfully on September 6/September 16, 1620.
She sailed on these itineraries successfully for 4 years.
The ship sailed on the Doubs River in June and July 1776, apparently the first steamship to sail successfully.
Anderson and his crew received international notice when the Nautilus became the first submarine to sail successfully under the polar ice cap surrounding the North Pole.
From the age of discovery onwards, European ships with pintle-and-gudgeon rudders sailed successfully on all seven seas.
In 1938, he built a 7-ton yacht at Aldershot called Prelude with another Royal Engineer's officer and they sailed successfully both before and after the war.
On 1 January 1941 the battalion sailed to Alexandria and successfully captured the Italian fort of Giarabub.
The young lady in question is obviously perfectly capable of handling the boat, as was her brother who successfully sailed round the world single handed at 17.
After further preparation, they successfully sailed to Mexico and back in 2001.
Despite these impediments, with three others, he successfully sailed to Sumatra.