As JT Leroy, Ms. Albert also successfully solicited editorial advice from writers like Michael Chabon and Dave Eggers.
Reportedly, Young had also successfully solicited funds from Rachel Lambert Mellon, also known as "Bunny" Mellon, a 99-year-old heiress to the Mellon fortune.
In his opening statement, Mr. Glenn referred to Mr. Barbour and said, "The head of a national political party knowingly and successfully solicited foreign money, infused it into the election process, and intentionally tried to cover it up."
Cole has successfully solicited contributions through his web site to support the translations and publications.
Transline ran ads throughout the datasphere, placed HTV commercials, transmitted software inserts, successfully solicited blurbs from best-selling authors, made sure it was reviewed in the New New York Times Book Section and the TC Review, and generally spent a fortune on advertising.
Mr. Dukakis has raised more than $13 million, not including about $6 million in matching funds, partly because as the only Governor in the race, he has successfully solicited contributions from lawyers, real estate and Wall Street executives and others who do business with the state.
In addition, Abrams initially concealed from Congress -in testimony given to several committees -that he had successfully solicited a contribution of $10 million from Brunei.
Successfully solicited funds to build the Cathedral of the Holy Child and became its first Dean.
A sucker list is a list of people who have previously been successfully solicited for something.