In a face-off, Wenjing and Picasso successfully subdue the group and rescue the teachers and children.
Although Able successfully subdues the German defenders and holds thousands of prisoners, the port has been badly damaged and is unusable to the Allies.
Using many of the stolen objects, the Sinister Six successfully subdue the Avengers leaving only Spider-Man standing.
After successfully subduing and riding the test horse, Cimarron gets into a fight with Slim, the oldest of the boys.
Innocent also ordered an Albigensian Crusade, which successfully subdued the Cathar heresy in France.
Thus had I successfully subdued the stubbornness of human passions: the victim which had been demanded was given: the deed was done past recal.
After successfully subduing Zero, he follows Hope to Utopia, eventually relocating with the rest of the Lights.
William in turn successfully subdued the Gascons.
After two years of war Bactria was occupied by the Macedonian empire, but Alexander never successfully subdued the people.
The cavalrymen successfully subdued the bridge guard and captured two heavy guns.