He successfully switched from laika to a more western "elafro-laiko" type of music and enjoyed great popularity even with the younger crowd into the 1980s.
Xavier gained 10 caps for Portugal, then switched successfully to its beach soccer side.
Initially trained as a surgeon, he switched successfully to a physician and, subsequently, a clinical microbiologist.
But by the time you read this, Comcast expects to have about 380,000 subscribers switched successfully to Comcast.net.
Preferring to play in the backline, Philip successfully switched from Hooker to Wing at a representative level.
In her playing career, Sabatini was graceful, athletic and elegant, a sound baseline player who switched successfully to the serve-and-volley game.
One missile-launch crew successfully switched their missile-control systems to the backup infrared mode and fired a single rocket at a bomber.
Cherbonneau tricks Olaf while he is visiting and successfully switches Octave's and the count's minds.
The 702 mission seems the first one who successfully switched from the earlier route via Korea to the southern island route.
Harris is one of several prominent Dublin gaelic footballers who successfully switched codes to soccer.