All the evidence available to them indicates that Karas was a double agent, and was successfully terminated on the Costa Brava.
Kirkpatrick did not even set out for Nepal until after the war had been successfully terminated by the Nepal-China agreement.
The enterprise was successfully terminated; and for its first despatch, young America addressed old Europe in these words of wisdom, so rarely understood: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men."
This expedition was successfully terminated by the Battle of Nájera in 1367.
In other words, the algorithm has successfully terminated.
The plan did not fulfill all of the objectives of the planned targets, and in 1998, the plan was successfully terminated in a favor of continuing privatization programme of the upcoming people-elected prime minister, Navaz Sharif.
Certain SVTs can be successfully terminated with adenosine.
During 1978-79 all activities were successfully terminated at Eriksberg, and on 15 June 1979 the shipyards last vessel, a product tanker M/T Atland was delivered to Broströms, that was already on the brink of bankruptcy.
On July 3, 1987, Federal authorities announced they had successfully terminated the drug ring, which they described as the biggest distributor of crack in New York City.
This effort builds on similar efforts in previous years when House Republicans successfully terminated 53 programs for a savings of $3.5 billion.