Police were present in the square an hour before protesters arrived, successfully thwarting the rally.
After the clash, security officials argued that they had successfully thwarted an impending terrorist attack.
One such raid was successfully thwarted by Elric in the first year of his reign.
After the ensuing battle, the team successfully thwarted the hijack attempt.
An abrasion creates an opportunity for the bacteria to invade that the eye is usually able to successfully thwart.
Ever since then concerned Londoners have successfully thwarted all efforts by builders and developers to get their hands on the heath.
But these attempts are always successfully thwarted in the end, usually by Ozma or by forces sympathetic to her.
Although Harcourt successfully thwarted this attempt, it was forced to undergo a costly restructuring.
On Christmas Day the assassination attempt is successfully thwarted.
The latter was significant because it had successfully thwarted attempts at annexation by neighboring Compton.