Siddiqui has successfully ventured into various domains, from Bertolt Brecht to more contemporary themes in his adaptations.
Once more, the Enterprise, whose captain would not be defeated by what seemed impossible odds, had successfully ventured where no man had gone before.
A few plays by writers such as Tan Tarn How have ventured successfully into the realm of political satire, but their audiences and critical reception remain limited.
Barings cautiously and successfully ventured into the North American railroad boom following the Civil War.
In addition to his very popular pilot comics, Shintani has successfully ventured into science fiction, fantasy, comedy, and hentai comics as well.
Arunima has also successfully ventured into dance choreography and research to explore different creative aspects of the performing arts.
They had successfully ventured into several operating businesses and felt that Henry & Company would be a good investment with lots of potential for growth.
He started his career as a trader and successfully ventured into growing vegetable, cotton and then sugarcane in swamps of Africa.
In both opera and chamber music, Mr. Gilgore has ventured successfully into adventurous programming.
The Limon company has ventured successfully into the style of psychological portraits in the past by reviving Daniel Nagrin's bad-boy solos of the 1940's.