However, alliances and promises were only a small part of successfully waging war.
Historians popularly recount how French emperor Napoleon studied Sun's military writings and used them to successfully wage war against the rest of Europe.
Captain Deudermont and his crew had been successfully waging these battles since long before his arrival.
Not enough to successfully wage battle on land.
Beginning in 1028, he successfully waged war against the Holy Roman Empire.
Catherine successfully waged war against the Ottoman Empire and advanced Russia's southern boundary to the Black Sea.
It was his habit of successfully waging war without any casualties that made him a hero and a legend on both sides.
Already the Hezbollah militia, which successfully waged a war of attrition against the Israeli forces, has begun to crow that its guerrillas drove out the strongest army in the Middle East.
That task fell to Kamose's successor, Ahmose I, who successfully waged a series of campaigns that permanently eradicated the Hyksos' presence in Egypt.
Both defensive units and offensive units are generally needed to successfully wage war against another nation.