In 1703, she was asked to confirm and approve of the succession of her other son, III.
Rögnvaldr may have thus attempted to secure, not only his own kingship, but also the future succession of his son.
Bruce held his parliament there in 1326 to confirm the succession of his son David.
Will he not rather concern himself with assuring the peaceful succession of his last surviving son, Prince Akkilas?
Offa appears to have moved to eliminate dynastic rivals to the succession of his son, Ecgfrith.
He also made an agreement with the Lesser Polish nobility, who could assure the succession of his son.
He tried to ensure the succession of his son which resulted in the open revolt of his brother who dethroned him by force.
This strengthened his authority as Emperor and secured the succession of his own son to the Imperial throne.
She acceded to the throne in 687 in order to ensure the eventual succession of her son, Kusakabe-shinnō.
He had been a sick man, chiefly concerned to ensure the undisputed succession of his son and then end his days in peace.