In April, 1989, the month before the shooting, Mr. Smith was arrested on drug charges on three successive Sundays.
But in those two serious injuries on successive Sundays, a knee was as much a weapon as a thrown elbow or a forearm shiver.
This time James instructed the bishops to order all their clergy to read the Declaration from the pulpit on two successive Sundays.
The Broncos also became the champions of New York, beating the Jets and the Giants on successive Sundays.
The first historical tetralogy temporarily regularised the schedule, and was aired on successive Sundays; 2, 9, 16 and 23 January 1983.
The strange man is a poet who on three successive Sundays takes a different pet on a walk through the streets of the town.
To his surprise, both his songs were televised by Doordarshan, the single TV channel in India, on four successive Sundays at prime time.
With many more churches than trained pastors, it was commonly the case that pastors would oversee multiple congregations, rotating among them on successive Sundays.
The more colorful Oracle was an instant success and the paper had to go back to press on successive Sundays to run off more copies.
Viewers could watch the film in two parts, on successive Sundays.