The whole of the country in this neighbourhood has, in successive ages, been cleared and cultivated: the forest has been felled.
The cloister is on a quadrangular plan, whose sides, of different lengths, correspond to different, successive ages and construction styles (12th-15th centuries).
The first extant account of the successive ages of mankind comes from the Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days (lines 109-201).
Texts refer to successive ages (yuga), designated respectively as golden, silver, copper and iron.
With each successive age, good qualities diminish, until we reach the current iron or dark age (kali yuga) marked by cruelty, hypocrisy, materialism and so on.
In a process much like peeling the skin of an onion, Roman archeology yields traces of successive ages from antiquity to the present.
Hesiod in "Works and Days" refers to five successive ages.
This abbot envisaged the successive ages of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Historiography in literature remained prominent during the Song, as it had in previous ages and would in successive ages of China.
In the 400 years since, the role has been performed by highly acclaimed actors and actresses from each successive age.