This might be said with some colour of truth, if the example had been taken from two successive cycles only.
Through successive cycles of economic reproduction, more and more capital assets are created which exist only external to the sphere of capitalist production.
However, his teaching on the need for successive "prophetic cycles" is completely an original conception.
We implemented the algorithm to perform three successive cycles of fuzzy k-means clustering.
The maximum number of successive cycles to be completed in the same nest was four.
Iteroparous organisms produce offspring in successive (e.g. annual or seasonal) cycles, such as perennial plants.
This sedimentary complex evolved in successive cycles, mostly marine.
Most Southern forests, they said, were logged extensively as long as a century ago and then cut again in successive logging cycles.
Each eclipse occurs at roughly the same longitude but moves about 5-15 degrees in latitude with each successive cycle.
This implies that successive cycles grow longer and larger.