The state recorded growth in each successive decade, although slowing until recording losses in the 1950 and 1960 Censuses.
In reality, modernism has reappeared - in different guises and visions - each successive decade.
Nor is some overarching vision of the century implied by her stories about successive decades.
To infect so many plants, Buisman experimented the use of a syringe, a method which would be used in successive decades.
Each successive cosmological decade represents a ten-fold increase in the total age of the universe.
Over successive decades, more universities and colleges joined the championship, and four categories, called fuerzas, were created.
The origin of the city's technology economy goes back to the 1960's, and with each successive decade that economy grew larger.
His voice, both literal and metaphorical, forever "laying down the law with exquisite insolence," carried through successive decades.
"In each successive decade, they were getting better," Dr. Winston said.
The brand has been available intermittently through successive decades.