Dual casts were employed so the piece could be performed on successive evenings.
Beesley watched the action with his daughter on several successive evenings, and what follows is based upon the account she gave to me.
Because of its length, the cycle was originally performed on two successive evenings or at matinee and evening performances on the same day.
On three successive evenings Paula had admired the necklace, trying, against her better judgment, to imagine that it was real.
For the second successive evening, the Mets faced a starting pitcher who had five more defeats than victories.
'Is it correct that on successive evenings you have won, and lost, sums up to two thousand pounds a night?'
Where an event, such as a concert, is repeated on successive evenings, then each performance counts as a separate event.
In two casts on successive evenings, one Elvino and both Lisas shouted.
In one experiment that he designed, at 7pm on ten successive evenings he hung up a drawing in his study.
You can see them on successive evenings or make a day of it on the weekend.