His successors announced last week that it would be dignified but simple, in keeping with requests that Mr. Deng often made in public and private.
His successor, Alison Redford, announced that it would be held in conjunction with the 2012 provincial election, before June 1, 2012.
Campbell's successor, Christy Clark, announced that the minimum wage would increase in three stages to begin on May 1, 2011.
The IBM 3780 data communication terminal, the 2780 successor announced in 1972, dropped Transcode support.
There was speculation he might run again for Congress when his successor, Mike Ferguson, announced in 2007 that he would not seek reelection in 2008.
His successor, Katsuhiko Kawasoe, announced his resignation this month after the company was embarrassed by reports that it had concealed customer complaints for two decades.
His successor, Yeh Chin-chuan, announced a return to the original zero-tolerance policy to melamine.
His successor and current German chancellor Angela Merkel announced plans to negotiate with energy companies the time limit for a shut down of nuclear power stations.
That was one day after Steinbrenner's successor, Robert Nederlander, announced he would resign as managing partner of the team, effective Dec. 31.
Miller's successor, Rob Ford, announced the cancellation of Transit City on December 1, 2010, the day he took office.