His successor, Julie Mix McPeak, is pursuing the case, which is set for a final hearing in state court next week.
Would his successor have pursued the policies that led to World War I?
His successor, Dennis Vacco, is pursuing the inquiries but has not taken a strong public stand.
Layden's successor, Bert Bell, pursued a policy of official non-recognition, generally answering "no comment" to queries about the other league.
Dr Laws wanted Livingstonia to develop into a University, but his successors did not pursue the dream.
And there can be no guarantee that Mr. Hussein's successor will not pursue his essential goals.
His successors, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison, have piously pursued his plan.
The question now is whether her successor, as yet unnamed, will pursue the inquiry with the same dedication or will quietly smother it.
However, Fackenthal's successor, Ralph Sweetser, pursued the opposite course.
His successor, Vice Mayor Antonio de Jesus Villegas, pursued his plan.