Many of the best names are those that succinctly describe products.
For a company to profit, everyone must have a job that can be clearly and succinctly described in less than forty words.
What benefits will the developments he describes here so succinctly yield?
The garden has not re-opened to the public and its current state is perhaps most succinctly described as a concept in development.
Objective best and succinctly describes man's view of man.
What broke loose is popularly and succinctly described as hell.
Gosseyn described succinctly what had been said, and added, "There must be something.
The commander's intent succinctly describes what constitutes success for the operation.
But more than ever global currents inform and influence what emerges from a kitchen that can no longer be succinctly described as French.
Although this succinctly describes the way in which a one-qubit quantum computer is supposed to work, what happens when things go wrong?