All members of the council were asked to be interested in social work such as health-care, children, women, and business.
Our central concern must be to protect vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant women.
There are certain exceptions to this such as pregnant women.
It simply helps people in need, especially those most who are vulnerable, such as women, children, and senior citizens.
There are different types of groups (such as men or women only, discussion, and speaker).
This can happen in people who need a lot of iron, such as small children, teens, and pregnant women.
It however is less accurate in people such as body builders and pregnant women.
These short stories that I have just recommended, touch upon many interesting subjects, such as women, religion and family.
Others may be restricted to a specific group, such as women or submissives.
Strategies should focus on especially at-risk populations such as women, youth, and the poor.