They address varieties of issues such as religion, emergency aid, or humanitarian affairs.
Articles cover subjects such as current affairs, history, literature, as well as the University itself.
The minister and department has on several occasions been responsible for another portfolio in addition to immigration, such as ethnic/multicultural affairs or local government.
In March of the same year, new committees were formed to address specific issues such as education, legal affairs, fundraising, and public relations.
The Society does have a few limitations on its field on interest, such as recent political history and current affairs.
She covered topics such as crime and Hispanic affairs.
On each day, a different topic, such as foreign affairs or finance, is considered.
Several staff agencies such as plans, safety, quality, financial management, public affairs and the legal office form the wing commander's headquarters section staff.
Progressives typically advocate reforms in areas such as, education, health care, political affairs, etc.
In areas such as justice, home affairs and foreign affairs, the Council has more or less exclusive rights.