Her officials, however, acknowledged that major crimes such as serious assault, rape and murder were at a higher level than in 1997.
Help you find appropriate medical care for violent crimes such as assault or rape.
For violent crimes such as assault and rape, help you find appropriate medical care.
If your complaint is about serious staff misconduct, such as assault or corruption, please follow the complaints process set out above.
Often, specialized courses are made to focus on specific needs, such as night movement, assault, and bayonet training.
If you are the victim of a violent crime such as assault or rape, please contact us for assistance immediately.
Officers have committed crimes such as rape and assault, the report found.
Criminals are charged with acts against humanity, such as murder and serious assault.
While some terms such as assault and defamation are used in both systems, their technical meanings differ.
The journal covers topics such as domestic violence, sexual assault, and incest.