Bavitz started to play instruments such as the piano and bass at an early age.
Sometimes, the string instrument family such as cello and double bass can be included.
Fish such as bass, yellow perch, trout and pike can be found in the waterways of the park.
It had elements of loud music, such as bass and drums running through sound effects.
Ponds in the park have many beautiful creatures such as bass, bluegill, and catfish.
Fish such as trout, pickerel, and bass are also in the lakes.
They are often considered to be rough fish, caught when fishing for more desirable fish such as striped bass.
In season, small fish such as sunnies and smallmouth bass can be caught.
Some computer speakers have equalization features such as bass and treble controls.
The College also offers an instrumental music program for students interest in playing instruments such as violin, guitar, bass, piano or drums.