This would cover the use of the figures on structures such as castles.
Water clocks are sometimes still used today, and can be examined in places such as ancient castles and museums.
For defensive buildings such as castles, the walls are massively thick.
They often choose fortified lairs such as old castles and towers.
Market towns often grew up close to fortified places such as castles, to enjoy their protection.
Often, historical sites such as abbeys and castles are used, with an occasional transfer to Maastricht.
Instead, they choose human dwellings such as mansions or castles.
Alternatively, the fortifications can be built up at a series of sites, such as castles or forts placed near a border.
Many Dutch tourist attractions are rijksmonuments, such as castles or windmills.
As time went on, more places were named after man-made features, such as churches, castles, and bridges.