The nanoparticles would be carrying objects such as "stem cells, growth factors, drugs and other therapeutic compounds,".
Several related analogues such as the p-methyl and ring-unsubstituted compounds have also been investigated.
However, the nature of ammunition use also includes delivery or combat supporting munitions such as pyrotechnic or incendiary compounds.
Novel biomarkers such as volatile organic compounds measured in exhaled breath are also promising.
Terrapins may be affected by pollutants such as metals and organic compounds, but this has not been demonstrated in wild populations.
Small amounts of reducing agent, such as organic compounds, can trigger explosive detonation.
Some are specially designed to model certain objects, such as chemical compounds or internal organs.
Harsh chemicals, such as compounds used to clean colonoscopes, are sometimes accidentally introduced into the colon during colonoscopy or other procedures.
This instrument is more dedicated to analysis of moderately-sized molecules such as organic or aromatic compounds.
The use of natural vector predators, such as bacterial toxins or botanical compounds, can help control vector populations.