After the spill, people living in neighboring communities reported adverse health impacts such as severe headaches and respiratory difficulties.
In such cases, symptoms such as difficulties judging the paths of oncoming cars have been reported.
Her diary addressed issues such as family, friendship, sexuality, health, professional problems, travels, and often financial difficulties.
The severity of each complaint is assessed and this may include probing questions on sensitive issues such as suicidal thoughts or sexual difficulties.
A stressful event, such as the illness or death of a loved one, moving, or difficulties at work.
He introduced the nominees and occasionally took questions from the press regarding issues such as economic difficulties and the War in Afghanistan.
Stress factors such as financial difficulties or troubles with interpersonal relationships often play a role.
Effects from Parkinson's disease, such as fatigue and difficulties getting around, can make activities of daily living - including leisure activities - more difficult.
This caused problems for many Member States, such as difficulties in implementing the points of single contact and the mutual evaluation process.
Physical and behavioral therapy may also be prescribed for problems such as loss of balance and difficulties with attention, respectively.