Other funding sources, such as private foundations, should be considered when seeking funding.
For reinforcing elements such as beams, columns, ring-beams and foundations, concrete will be used.
Archaeological finds such as coins, foundations and fragments of temples from Roman times furthermore point to an occupation at that time.
Within the park, there are several artifacts left behind by Beckett, such as foundations, wells, and farm equipment.
"Each year, more and more of it is filtered through organizations such as foundations, charitable gift funds and the like."
Though many hope for federal funding, such assistance is often limited and other funding sources such as private foundations should be considered.
Collection of church tax may be used to cover any church-related expenses such as founding institutions and foundations or paying ministers.
Cuny was hired by organizations such as the United Nations and private foundations to design and carry out relief plans.
How much money do you get each year from private sources, such as foundations or fund-raisers?
The museum is operated by a board of 60 members presenting various organizations such as universities, companies, and foundations in Chiba prefecture.