This can make certain conditions, such as heart failure or kidney disease, worse.
Some diseases, such as cancer, heart failure, stroke, or a severe infection.
This test might be done to rule out serious conditions with similar symptoms, such as chronic heart failure.
This may be more likely if you have other problems such as congestive heart failure.
These changes in the heart muscle can lead to other heart problems such as heart failure.
Other serious medical problems, such as kidney failure or heart failure.
The most common ones have to do with the heart, such as heart failure and arrhythmia.
Sleep apnea has been linked with problems such as high blood pressure, heart failure, and depression.
It is sometimes used for people who have diseases that make it hard to breathe, such as heart failure.
You cannot have other diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, or heart failure.