An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual.
It encompasses a wide variety of materials such as irregular lumps of rock either picked up from the fields, or quarried and hewn from the ground in more regular-shaped building blocks.
This includes checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual.
An ear examination is a thorough evaluation of the ears that is done to screen for ear problems, such as hearing loss, ear pain, discharge, lumps, or objects in the ear.
While practicing this movement, owners can look for abnormalities such as lumps or bumps.
It specialises in spot-welding and fixed-sequence robots, but will soon market arc-welding machines and robots that can pick up items such as lumps of metal.
Bath bombs are generally spherical but can be found in a variety of shapes, such as tablets or lumps.
But chronic laryngitis may be caused by more severe problems such as nerve damage, sores, polyps, or hard and thick lumps (nodules) on your vocal cords.