Also, in some countries (especially those organised on a federal basis), subdivisions such as individual states or provinces will have individual boards.
Intra-national comparisons use their own data, and political divisions such as states or provinces then delineate the study areas.
To maintain the balance of the game each player is given three turns every hour, which they use to perform in game actions such as attacking provinces and buying units.
Sub-national jurisdictions (such as states, provinces and local governments) can export economic activity to nearby jurisdictions if their tax rates are excessive.
However, charter cities that are subordinate to the rules of larger institutions (such as provinces or nations) have limited flexibility to adopt new governance structures.
The BNG does not provide financing to private customers, but exclusively to (semi-)public organizations, such as municipalities, provinces, public utilities and public housing.
Its conceit is that the fantasy worlds depicted in many fantasy novels, games, and films are identical, although tours visit different places such as provinces of Finland.
In other words, areas such as states or provinces which wish to secede, should be permitted to do so.
(As distinct from the ability to strike down acts of subordinate governments, such as states or provinces.)
Some contests also declare regional winners for specific geographic subdivisions, such as continents, countries, U.S. states, or Canadian provinces.