The term was also used to refer to short prison term such as 6 months.
Urgent convicts eventually reclassified to correct, there is also a system of so-called offsets, such as 10 months without any problems counted for the year.
For this reason, to avoid German tax residency, short-term (such as three months) should be taken out wherever possible.
The intersections of the vertical and horizontal axes formed a grid containing time ranges (such as 12-18 months).
Some patients may require preventive medications for many years; others may require them for only a relatively short period of time such as six months.
Workers also often undergo a trial or screening period (such as three or six months) before being allowed to have full voting rights.
A group life insurance scheme might include all employees who have been working in the business longer than a certain period, such as six months.
Reward yourself at special anniversaries of your quit date, such as 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
Piñera's government has tried to modify the negative perceptions with social measures, such as six months of maternity leave and free health insurance for low-income retired people.
The current proposal is aimed at retail customers and involves certificates of $100,000 or less with fairly long maturity dates, such as 18 months.