These films then need something to exploit, such as a big star, special effects, sex, violence, or romance.
The show focused on problems such as drugs and pre-marital sex.
Susceptibility to a disease may depend on other factors such as age or sex.
Ideally, a couple should discuss certain basic issues - such as money, sex, and kids - before they decide to start their life together.
Its goal is to make teenagers think about matters such as sex and relationships.
Other activities, such as homosexual sex, may also have taken place.
It covers a lot of sensitive topics such as sex, drugs, and even suicide.
Discrimination is the unfair treatment of an individual based on different characteristics such as age, race, or sex.
It deals with topics such as love, loss, lust, sex and understanding.
Subsequent analysis showed that factors unrelated to experience, such as age and sex, affected decisions.