On 13 February, authorities set up a number of checkpoints and increased the presence of security forces in key locations such as shopping malls.
Shuttle service in large high traffic areas such as shopping malls and city centers.
Real estate investment trusts have long tended to focus on just one type of property, such as shopping malls or office space.
In public places such as shopping malls, restaurants and parks, you are encouraged to dress appropriately.
Also, the stops are normally located on points of interest, such as the airport, the bus station, shopping malls and the hospitals.
Women should dress modestly when in public areas, such as shopping malls.
There is also a status known as decred, which denies access to many public places, such as hospitals, hypermarkets, and shopping malls.
Common area also applies to organizations such as shopping malls and strip malls, in which multiple businesses operate.
Al Qaeda planned on blowing up "soft targets" such as apartment buildings, supermarkets, and shopping malls.
These are typically branches located in a retail space such as a grocery, shopping malls or discount store.