Other media, such as certain types of glue, can be "smoked" over these surfaces with fair results.
Finally, psychosocial treatments can be useful, such as certain types of group programs.
There is a reduced rate of 13% that applies to products such as books and types of oils.
Thus, they are more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.
Stored behind the table are materials for which access is limited to health care staff, such as patient files, medicines, and certain types of equipment.
Censorship has not been heavy and usually focuses on details such as types of weapons.
A simple example could be a list of words describing a category, such as "types of trees", "body parts".
Various metrics such as types of ingredients, consistency, and preparation are used.
These technologies share similar features, such as the assembly name, namespace, and types.
Generally these two subtypes have different general features such as facial or body types.