Each feature describes a quality or characteristic of the natural class, such as voice or manner.
This may involve secondary clues such as clothing, gait, hair color, body shape, and voice.
However, they may be able to recognize people based on non-face clues such as their clothing, hairstyle or voice.
Applications combining the use of more than one media, such as data, voice and video.
More complicated systems may use other input devices such as voice or a computer interface.
A lead instrument is usually monophonic (only able to sound one note at a time), such as a horn or voice.
By 6-10 years, children refine the complex grammatical structures such as passive voice.
In addition, it can denote apparent physical appearance, such as voice, face and body language.
Offers musical training in areas such as instruments, voice and composition.
They operate in various modes such as voice, online chat and E-mail.