At that moment our attention was caught by a sudden agitation of the waters, which swelled upward at the foot of the rocks.
But instead, a few moments later, it seemed to jump in sudden agitation and surprise.
He struggled to his feet in sudden agitation, her anger stirring his own.
She seemed worried by his sudden agitation.
'Don't tell them anything about this,' begged Miss Watson, with sudden agitation.
Only when Cadfael informed him that he had a visitor waiting in the barn was he shaken by sudden agitation.
Scarlett fiddled at his pipe with a sort of sudden agitation.
Like the sudden agitation of a blackbird's wings, alarm fluttered through her at the prospect of lying unaware therefore vulnerable in a strange place.
One of these must also have seen us, for there was a sudden agitation aboard, with heads popping up above the rail and more yelling.
Harry clutched at him in sudden agitation.