I said, laughing a little, shifting my feet to dislodge a sudden, subtle discomfort somewhere inside me.
I was aware in the silence that he shifted in his chair as if in sudden discomfort.
She watched as his face showed sudden discomfort, but he squared his shoulders as if to shake off the feeling.
I experienced a sudden and tremendous discomfort.
When a half hour passed and Christina didn't appear, Sarah shoved aside her sudden discomfort.
Pansy felt a sudden, extreme discomfort at his nearness and her nakedness.
The thought of her slim body lying where he had lain made him shift in sudden discomfort.
"But those chapters are closed now," he said with sudden discomfort.
Her brown eyes twinkled mischievously at his sudden discomfort, as the lift began sinking in the tube.
The children looked at one another and drew closer together, squabbles forgotten in sudden discomfort.