Student-led demands for a return to constitutional government, the so-called "14 October 1973 uprising", led to three days of violence followed by the sudden downfall of his regime.
With a powerful enough engine he climbs at once again, but these sudden downfalls are the least pleasant and most dangerous experience in aviation.
It was clear that by dragging it out for six months, by not knowing when to stop, Rose had turned what might have been a sudden and almost tragic downfall into a public termination.
The sudden and dramatic downfall of Old Julfa in the 17th century made a deep and lasting impression on Armenian society and culture.
His sudden downfall comes partly because he made an unsuccessful effort last weekend to broaden his party coalition, but mostly because of his party's poor showing in by-elections on Oct. 27.
In a letter to Achebe, the US writer John Updike expressed his surprised admiration for the sudden downfall of Arrow of Gods protagonist.
It is not known what event or palace conspiracy brought about Bay's sudden downfall.
Having lived through the humiliation of Mr. McGreevey's sudden downfall, the governor's aides seemed to savor the chance to battle Democratic power brokers who tried to force him to leave earlier.
Another factor causing the sudden downfall was a complicated reinsurance pool of workers compensation policies, dubbed Unicover, that was a very costly failure.
Despite his sudden downfall, Olsen was as Cheerful as might be expected in the circumstances but he was also a realist.