What was surprising was the sudden entry into the market of new competition, whose machines quickly cut off the sales of the 2600.
Duar's two remaining men on the bridge were surprised by the sudden entry.
The Shadow regretted later that he did not make a sudden entry at that moment.
His sudden entry into the game was something that Traal would have to explain.
Rex heard Eric put forward, what were, to his mind, several very plausible reasons regarding the inadvis-ability of sudden entry.
Her reaction to Forbin's sudden entry was to whip off the shower cap.
The sudden entry of so large an invading force introduces problems of public health.
Clyde's sudden entry alarmed the killer sufficiently to make him forget Cranston for the moment.
Gardner, who looked puzzled at the sudden entry of the waiter into the argument, said, "Yes, of course."
He looked for any sign of alarm greater than that caused by shock of his sudden entry.