The sudden escalation of verbal warfare in a primary that had been gracious comes as the campaign enters its final three weeks.
I could feel a sudden escalation in its energy, as if it had eaten a piece of candy.
Earlier residents like the salutary effects of growth on the economy, but many are also horrified at the sudden escalation of house prices.
Or was that what they expected a sudden and cataclysmic escalation of the war, involving all the world, like an Armageddon?
They point out that the world's big recessions tend to have been generated at least in part by sudden escalations in energy costs.
The riots followed a sudden escalation in consumer prices by a reported 80 per cent in several days.
They had been off-balance, frightened by the sudden escalation of events, only too eager to believe the worst-case scenario he had spelled out for them.
This is not the sudden escalation of a conflict. Kosovo has been the scene of systematic discrimination, torture, expulsion and even genocide for years.
It brought a sudden and sharp escalation to Venezuela's turmoil, which had already contributed to wild swings in world oil prices this week.
"Why the sudden escalation of activity - you're describing something that has unfolded over a period of decades!"