And with the sudden exodus of the beach people, Teddy Schmidt took on a new meaning for her.
The sudden exodus has been set off by two changes in immigration rules.
Last week's sudden exodus from pharmaceutical stocks surprised many analysts.
Refugee officials are at a loss to explain the sudden exodus, the largest since the early 80's.
With their sudden exodus, they left behind many structures that now help others understand the Way of the Ancient Fairies.
Nor is a sudden exodus in store.
Sir Robert asks me to tell you," whispered the boy, "that there will be a sudden exodus in a moment and not to be alarmed.
Blocked by the sudden exodus, Cranston wasn't able to follow closely on Johnny's heels, even if he'd wanted.
It was the first such disaster to be reported since a sudden exodus of Haitians from their island began in late October.
The sudden exodus from the 190-lawyer firm, partners and consultants said, appears to mean the end of Mudge Rose as they knew it.