Baltazar smiled, but it was a frightening smile, tight-lipped, and filled with a strange and sudden exultation.
Literally, he leaped to his feet in sudden exultation when the realization hit him, and in that instant he vowed that, no matter what, he would not fail the next time the opportunity arose.
Sharpe felt a sudden, fierce exultation because he had solved the problem, he knew it, and just as he felt that soaring pulse of success, he felt fear too.
The sudden exultation with which he slapped me on the knee, and leaned back in his chair, with his eyebrows lifted up as high as he could possibly lift them, made me think him farther out of his wits than ever.
In desperation, Clyde turned his gaze across the rail, and a sudden exultation swept over him.
Elena heard a sudden savage exultation in their cries; she saw them massing west of the river to come at them again.
Lyons felt a cold chill pass through him, then sudden exultation as the tractor's wheels went off the highway and caught in the overflow ditch.
He knew with sudden fierce exultation that he had been wanting to take a punch at someone for some time.
Midge was struck by the expression on her face--it had a sudden quite inexplicable exultation.
He was filled with sudden exultation.