He gasped as the air rushed out into near-vacuum, but he had been trained to take sudden and violent fluctuations in pressure.
One day clear, cloudy the next and often without the easy logic of groundswell or storm to explain the sudden fluctuations.
He was subject to sudden fluctuations in weight, like a diabetic or a sufferer from liver trouble.
His expertise was in the arcane world of currency markets and hedging against the sudden fluctuations in the value of the dollar.
The structure of professional football is finely balanced and, in the current environment, vulnerable to sudden fluctuations.
Sakai, you will ignore any sudden fluctuations of the generators.
But they do not like sudden fluctuations in temperature, and they need clean, oxygenated water.
Secondly, we should stress the need to configure a stable and effective European framework for dealing with upward trends and sudden fluctuations in oil prices.
This way increases in protectionist pressures could be avoided as could sudden fluctuations in exchange rates and risks to the finance industry.
Available records of climate variability, for example, reveal sudden fluctuations of key variables at all time scales.