That sudden glimmer, on and off, on and off, had been a signal to The Shadow.
They had reached the approximate center of the valley when a sudden glimmer of light winked at them through the forest trees.
Hugh saw the odd flicker of light; it wavered, made a sudden glimmer, then blotted from sight.
Annie felt a sudden glimmer of hope.
Beyond the open portal, Cliff caught the sudden glimmer of flashlights.
A sudden glimmer attracted Spaylor's attention.
The witch shook with rage and frustration, and a sudden glimmer of fear crept into her eyes.
There was a sudden glimmer a hundred paces up the tunnel.
The Skull Bearer glanced back, disfigured features a sodden, red mess in a sudden glimmer of torchlight.
But that calm, silent question, delivered with neither condescension nor defensiveness, woke a sudden glimmer of hope.