This sudden and ongoing inflow of immigrants, particularly those arriving clandestinely by sea, has caused noticeable social tension.
Such a sudden inflow of capital would force China's central bank to take extra steps to keep the yuan from rising further against the dollar.
Implementation of the agreement would see China's fledgling service industry, such as the banking sector, squeezed by a sudden inflow of foreign competitors, Chu said.
The sudden inflow of large amounts of foreign money would increase the monetary base of the receiving country (if the central bank is pegging the currency), which would help create credit boom.
More and more dark matter poured into the bubble, and it kept growing, changing size to accommodate the sudden inflow.
Mr. Singh said one of the casualties of the sudden new inflow is a heritage that is thousands of years older than the British legacy.
The sudden inflow of foreign capital worries the South Korean monetary authorities.
The first is significant and sudden inflows and outflows.
Firstly, the Commission has mobilised EUR 30 million to manage the humanitarian emergency generated by the sudden inflows of migrants and refugees in the countries neighbouring Libya.
Among the numerous practical problems he faces are dealing with sudden inflows or outflows of clients' money and keeping from running prices up on himself when buying a small-capitalization stock.