Joe could not quiet the sudden hard pulse in his chest.
A thought, the sudden pulse of a memory, flicked through her head.
Chris looked round, tried to squeeze the sudden pulse of alarm back out of his voice.
The screen darkened against the engines' sudden pulse.
While Sam watched this supernatural encounter, he didn't see the sudden pulses on his tricorder.
If you send out a sudden pulse of light in space, does it have to accelerate to that speed?
Wulfgar, confused by this sudden pulse of anger, moved a step closer to Regis.
As we raced along the road we felt its impact with the ground, and a sudden pulse of light drummed through the trees.
With that, that clue, there was a sudden pulse of alarm.
With the sudden sharp pulse of pain, Bekker snapped all the way back, quick and hard, like a handclap.