It's the sudden political revival of old-time religion that tempts me to this poor imitation of the majestic 17th-century style.
The sudden revival of prospects for arms control has left Congressional Democrats with an unexpected dilemma.
It had a sudden revival, however, when fourteen months later, Mills abruptly resigned from the leadership.
However, that sudden late-career revival did not last for too long and he retired soon thereafter.
The 11th-hour renaissance has been sparked in part by the sudden revival of Tim Thomas, whose season-long slump is apparently over.
Chester taunted in a sudden revival of spirit.
Then, in the late 1990's, leftist underwent a sudden revival.
Its sudden revival was a result of intense, behind-the-scenes negotiations between Congress and the Administration that produced a compromise late Monday.
The ancient Brooklyn tradition of stoop-sitting enjoyed a sudden revival.
Bob asked, with a sudden revival of his infrequent respect for the older boy.