He knelt before her, and the sudden seriousness of his expression left her breathless.
With a sudden seriousness she patted his arm.
Johnny Pacheco was disturbed by the sudden seriousness of the moment.
Isobel felt the tension leave his body, saw the amusement, and then the sudden seriousness in his eyes.
Though puzzled by his sudden seriousness, Julie couldn't deny that she was pleased he'd asked.
She looked at her great-grandfather with a sudden, unusual seriousness.
He laughed, too, as only a happy lover could, then said, with sudden seriousness: "Sweet soul!
With sudden seriousness he approached me, laid a hand on my shoulder, and stared into my eyes.
His friend's sudden seriousness surprised Picard, as did his next question.
"No," he said with a sudden seriousness that took me by surprise.