There was a sudden cloying smell of burning flesh.
There was a sudden sharp smell of burnt hair and he fell heavily onto the stool.
Along with it came the sudden smell of bone dust, sewage, rotten marrow, and death.
The air held a sudden and delicious smell of food, subtle, yet almost staggering to the hungry senses.
A sudden, overwhelming smell, taste, or touch rose up to obliterate everything else.
A sudden smell of hot food made him turn, and he saw his three seamen placing covered dishes on the sideboard.
Brennan's nose twitched at a sudden foul smell in the air.
There was a sudden nauseating smell of burnt hair and skin.
What woke him now was the sudden fresh smell of plant-scrubbed atmosphere filtering in through the open door.
The man's open mouth, glazed eyes, and sudden fetid smell said Banks had killed him.