I swerved, curving away in a sudden swoop, following the road, actually moving away from the red lantern just a bit.
With a sudden swoop he placed his leaden box on the floor and dropped the sides.
Daniel felt a sudden swoop of dismay in his guts.
Then it made a sudden swoop at the last moment and settled on its tail so gently, it hardly bent the grass.
Twice they spotted wild pigs, flushing them with sudden swoops.
Marigold sat in the buggy and enjoyed the sudden swoops of wind.
One soared and then made a sudden swoop, deadly intention in every beat of its sustaining leathery wings.
A sudden swoop of German hussars drove the party back to camp.
Then came the sudden swoop of a hand, the clamp of a fist upon Diane's wrist.
The last thing she expected was his sudden swoop and his kiss on her cheek.